Build AI powered
10X faster

Unlock data science capabilities for everyone using OpenDoc AI, from analytics to custom AI models and workflows.

Trusted and backed by

One-prompt Workflows

    Automate data workflows with a simple prompt, powered by generative AI
    Simply describe your task and let AI generate and execute the actions.
    Intuitive user interface for tailoring steps according to your preferences.
    Streamline repetitive tasks with custom automation solutions.

Reusable Processes

    Provide clear AI instructions for company-wide use.
    Direct AI to streamline your process.
    Share and collaborate on workflows effortlessly.
    Access a collection of ready-made workflows for faster development.
    Integrate AI tools with business strategies and validations.

Chat your way to Data Insights

    Instantly transform your data into actionable insights - no training or data literacy skills required.
    Simply ask in plain English to query, filter, and bring your data to life.
    Build ML solutions just by asking. Custom analytics, ML libraries, training, visualizations, etc.

Built-in connections

Easily connect your databases, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SnowFlake, Amazon redshift, BIG Query (More coming soon).

Work with any data type

CSV, IMG , PDF, XLSX, HTML, etc. Simply integrate inside your workflow

Trusted by teams of all Sizes

A game changer for non-technical

OpenDoc AI has revolutionized how we handle data. No more tedious queries; I just ask questions and get answers!
User Profile Picture
Emily Johnson
Head of Product Research & Development

Frequently Asked Questions

© 2023 OpenDoc AI, Inc. OpenDoc AI gives data science superpower to everyone regardless of their technical background.